cuidado de enfermeria en la adultez y senectud

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Cafeteria: Actividades de Ingles

Pet Shop Boys – Always on my mind -traducido en español


Requisitos Universales de Autocuidado/Universal Self-care Requisites:

1.  The maintenance of a sufficient intake of air.

2. The maintenance of a sufficient intake of water.

3. The maintenance  of a sufficient intake of food.

4.The provision of care associated with elimination processes and excrements

5. The maintenance of a  balance between activity and rest

6. The maintenance of a  balance between solitude and social interaction.

7.The prevention of hazards to human life, human funtioning, and human well-being.

8. The promotion of human functioning and development within social groups in accord with human potential, know human limitations, and the human desidere to be normal.

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